Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Holy! Electric

I really thought we were at least average with our electricity consumption.

I don't have the link but 920 kWh a month was the average kWh per household in the U.S. Yeah, our 2500 sqft home of 4 (soon 5) averages 1600 kWh per month. We don't have gas so it's all Dominion Power.

Just curious what is yours? Average kWh?


Anonymous said...

well, avg for the past yr when I calculate it is 1448, but that's skewed up quite a bit during Dec-Apr when that range's avg is 2500! The other months we avg is 790....

der5er said...

Six in our house, heat pump with gas backup for HVAC, gas water heater and stove. A little more than 2700 SqFt.
Average: 1742kWh