Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bailing Water!

I showed you our electric bill.  and since then we have made some easy changes that anyone can and many of you  probably already do. Like turning off lights when you leave the room, turn the TV off when its time to eat (I'm referring to the 5 year old), and not forgetting to turn the Wii off (7 year old).  We have also changed many of our high wattage bulbs to CFL's.  Which turns out is not that easy.  The 60watt equivalent CFL bulb will not necessarily produce the same amount of light the original 60 watt produced.

Anyway, here is our water bill.  and this is going to be tough.  We water our GRASS and I take a 30 minute shower.  Enough said.. Goodnight!!!

This bill however, covers 7/21/08 - 9/23/08 - 63 days.  and shows that we used 15 CCF.  Which means we:

(15 ccf)748 = 11220 gallons
11220 / 63 = 178 gallons per day.  (wow)
178 / 4 = 44.5 gallons per day per person.

Now the 5yr, 7yr old probably didn't use 44.5 gallons of water and we were not watering our grass during this period.  But you get the point.  We use up a lot of water....  

Quick fixes --  shorter showers, fix some leaks, water grass less.  



Anonymous said...

Alright... now you're getting personal :) and that will require digging thru the receipts drawer. not tonight.

Bookstore Piet said...

I actually removed our lawn and replaced it with mulch and crawling ground plants and trees. We also just got a front load washer and a high efficiency dishwasher.

Our water usage for 2 adults and a 4 year old in September? 4!